Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Illustration Friday - SPACE
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Nothing made Elliot happier than getting away from everybody for awhile & zooming about the galaxy in his sporty yellow spacecraft, Madeline...

I can really relate to this one, as no matter how bad my day is, I can always improve MY mood by going for a ride in my beloved green rag top, Bubba! Even after 13 years! (Boy, we're getting old!) Bubba's been out of commission, waiting for the mechanic to squeeze him in, which probably explains my crankiness lately!

  This little guy was a result of a doodle I did earlier this year during a particularly boring meeting at work. Glad to finally have an excuse to finish him! Funny how great stuff can come from sheer boredom....

Thanks for all the great comments on SECRET last week! I posted really late, so didn't expect many people to see it. You guys are so clever!!! (Not that I expected anything less!)


  1. Haha! Three eyeballs in that happy little alien face...simple and cute! I love it :)

  2. Chug...chug...chug. Look's like Elliot is riding around in his old favourite. Great illustration!

  3. Now if only all the alien spacecrafts will leave contrails shaped like daisies, why I would welcome them anytime! Doodling during meetings, eh? Hahaha. Glad to know I am not the only one.

  4. Haha, the look on Elliot's face is so funny! I wonder where he is off to in such a hurry! Hooray for doodling!

  5. Really? That's all you need to improve your mood? No bubble bath or foot massage needed? Actually, I know what you mean, there's something therapeutic about motion and the wind in your face. I love a motorcycle ride. They haven't invented space motorcycles yet, have they.

    1. Ha ha! I'm really low maintenance, Ted. Just the sound of the engine in the driveway will do it :)

  6. Your illustration makes me want to BE Elliot! Very cute and fun.

  7. very nice Michelle. i love the puff puff puffs at the back. nice sporty look!

  8. Very cute!! I love his 3 eyes!

  9. I agree! Meetings are perfect drawing situations!

  10. Thanks so much for your visit and comment! Your works are great!

  11. Some of my best work has come out of meeting boredom :) Fun piece!

  12. This is really adorable, Mit! I like how you rendered the puffs of smoke ... and also placing Mars in the picture. I wonder where Elliot will land? And who he might meet there?

  13. Elliot doesn't seem scary...maybe its because he's happy in Madeline!

  14. Hey this is a really cool, simple and fun illustration. I love that you're able to see so much joy in a simple character's face and tell that he's really enjoying the ride. Great job, and thanks for making me smile with this.

  15. Oh my, this is so amazing! I love this illustration!! This is so much fun to just look at! Congrats on a wonderful illustration!

  16. Elliot looks very happy. I wonder what music he listens to while driving :)
    Cute character ♥

  17. love this fun illustration of a little green alien with great eyes! wink wink. Yes always good to get away! Where did Elliot land? great to get inspired by a doodle! :)
