Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Illustration Friday - ROBOT

I didn't think I was going to participate in this week's challenge, but it's funny how a boring meeting can spark my imagination! They're actually a blessing, because I wouldn't have been able to post half as much as I have to Illustration Friday if I had to rely on my spare time alone!  This was sketched & inked during a meeting today. A notoriously miserable co-worker glanced over & started laughing ... so I guess my mission was accomplished before I was even finished!  It was fun to be able to give him a smile!   Thanks for stopping by!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Illustration Friday - TRAVEL

I'm not really a people-person, much preferring to draw animals, but I just LOVE this guy!!! (a lot more than his horse does!!)  I normally would have drawn the horse first, but I had such a strong image of the cowboy in my head, that he came pouring onto the page in all his roly poly glory, and I had to sketch in several mounts under him before I settled upon this sturdy chestnut! Please let me know if they gave you a smile!! 

And if you like what you see, please follow this blog by clicking in the subscription box on the right! As always, I appreciate you stopping by!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Pleasant Gator

Click to enlarge
I AM working on a piece for Illustration Friday's "PROTEST" that I'm pretty excited about, but this guy just popped into my head (and out of my pencil) in the form of a doodle during a meeting today, & insisted on being first. Actually, it was just that I was able to color it quickly digitally, versus playing around with mixed media like I am with the other piece. (Which likely won't be finished before the next challenge is up, but is too fun not to finish!!)

So there's really no rhyme or reason for the friendly, fascinated gator. He just is. Hope you like!