Sunday, April 28, 2013

Illustration Friday - TRAIN

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Better late than never!!!


  1. HAHA!! That's a great take on the prompt Mit! Takes me back to when my kids were small... and makes me glad those days are gone... Great job!

  2. by the looks on him, he might not have made it at all...


  3. Aww he's so cute, why does he look so concerned, he seems to be getting it right! Maybe he is worried about toilet monsters! :) Brilliant!

  4. Ha! I saw the theme train and of course only thought toot, toot! Wait a minute. That also would apply to your image.

  5. haha! Train in more than one sense ;)
    Funny as always, it's good to come back to your blog!

  6. Haha, you found an original idea for the word. You're going to start a whole new MOVEMENT!

  7. This reminds me of my twin brothers who had matching potties in the bathroom. They seemed to think potty time was social/play time. Your comment on my site made me crack up. You've definitely got a sense of humor :)

  8. I LOVE this, Michele! The picture reminds me of my boys when they were younger, but then I also wondered if waiting for the poop is like waiting for a train to pass...the little guy doesn't know how long he will be waiting there. The comments show that this touches so many of us in so many ways. LOVE!

  9. Bwahahaha... From his expression, it looks like the "train" is an express! :D

  10. 'Nice' idea!!! I couldn't draw a train wearing a train, and my other idea didn't get further than a for FAREWELL............

    Well done!

  11. Awwwwww! Hahahahaha, I can hear it now: You're not coming off that toilet until you make something, mister. I'm so glad those days are behind me. I used to bribe my kid with Skittles.

    I love that you tackled the word in more than one way! Hehehe, very cute!

  12. Ohemgeeee!!! This is so smart, Mit! You have such wit..I love it. I'm SO glad I'm over this part of raising children..whew! Happiest of Mays to you!!
