Here we are, at the start of another brand new year!
For me, that always seems to bring feelings of optimism, and visions of a clean slate, just waiting to be scribbled upon! Life seems full of possibilities!
Of course, a few weeks in, oftentimes I get back into my old routines and bad habits rear their ugly heads (read: PROCRASTINATION), but it is always nice to think "this may be the year" that I get my act together and finally do *THIS* or *THAT!* I start writing out goals and plans, and it is always fun to see how far I got with them, come December....
(or not so fun, if I didn't manage to get very far!)
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Well, THIS year does have some guarantees, because I am entering 2017 with a new book contract with Xist Publishing. So regardless of what else does, or doesn't happen, a new children's book will be in my future! And that adult coloring book that I worked on all year long in 2016? Well, THAT will go to print, too. No ifs ands or buts about it! It is all drawn, formatted, and ready to go. All that needs to happen is some uploading and a few clicks of buttons! So already, 2017 looks like a year of accomplishments, and we are only 3 days in! (I like the sound of that!)

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The new year means a fresh start, so last night, I started a new sketch book, too. There is always something daunting about that very first blank page, but I got that out of the way, and had some fun with my watercolor pencils that I hadn't had much time to play with last year.
January also means a month long of pretty intense idea generation through participation in author, Tara Lazar's "Storystorm." Previously called Picture Book Idea Month (PiBoIdMo) and held in November, it is a cool movement of kidlit authors and future authors where the challenge is to come up with 30 story ideas by the end of the month. This will be my third...or maybe fourth?...year participating, and although it is sometimes a struggle to work it in with everything else I've got going on, I always find it to be a very worthwhile endeavor! So I am very excited about that!
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As exciting as it is to look forward to the new challenges and projects of the new year, it is also a great time to look back and revisit favorite projects of the past 12 months.
During 2016, I was able to fit in a few special commissions. I have not had much time for this in recent years, so it was great to be able to work with clients outside of the children's book arena and create unique art that was very personal for them. Among these special projects were some pet portraits. The one pictured above is of my friend's beautiful girl, Sadie. I surprised her with it when she purchased her first home last month.
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And speaking of dogs, I also expanded my design offerings in my Zazzle store, and for the first time in its almost 3 years of existence, it actually generated some sales! I have spent a HUGE amount of time building the store, so it was so gratifying to know that products with my whimsical, silly art were resonating & making their way into people's homes for the holidays! The poodle pictured above is featured as part of the design on my "Parade of Poodles" coffee mug.
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My mugs were, in fact, my most popular item!
(I was so blown away by them, I had to get one for myself!)
Everyone should start their days off with a smile, right?!
Click ***HERE*** to check out my store!

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And 2016 also marked the year Creations By Mit joined the world of **INSTAGRAM**!!! My account has been up for a few months now, and I fully admit I am still learning the ropes, and am not nearly as savvy with it as I am with **FACEBOOK**, but I am having a lot of fun connecting with other artists, and am hoping more people will start following me there as well!
Well, that's all for now! Sending a BIG FAT THANK YOU who have stuck around to follow this blog! Wishing you all a happy and fruitful 2017!!!
I really appreciate and admire your talent! I cannot draw at all, but I love to see the artistic talent in others. Thank you so much for sharing. Thanks, as well, for your visit and kind comment on my blog. I post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and you are welcome to stop by anytime. I hope you have a wonderful 2017. :)