Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Illustration Friday - ONOMATOPOEIA

Click to enlarge
Yeah, I have to admit I prefer challenge words that I don't have to look up in the dictionary, but I was still game. It was actually a little more fun than some of the recent ones!

I've also been having fun creating items for my brand new Zazzle store! I haven't really "rolled it out" yet....waiting until I have enough to make browsing worthwhile! But I love seeing my wacky characters on all sorts of things!!!

In other news, I'd been in denial for awhile, but it looks like I'm going to have to invest in a new Mac sooner rather than later. It's been slow for awhile now, but tonight it took me 10 minutes to save a file. That's over 5 minutes longer than my Sonicare allows me to brush my teeth!! UGH!! And even then, I multi-task & do deep squats every morning while I brush....I guess I could do that while I wait for the computer, but one can only do so many squats in one day!  *wink!*  I'll try cleaning a lot of stuff off of it to see if I can delay the inevitable a bit longer, but the day WILL come. Sigh.

On a happier note, I made my first ever video. I'd never felt compelled to create a video before, much less share it, but after witnessing what went on in my kitchen that night, I knew my turtle of over 20 years, Bug, was destined to be an internet sensation!! You'll get a smile in 24 seconds or less! Click on the link below & enjoy!!! And as always, thanks for stopping by!!



  1. That's the loneliest sheep I ever saw. I enjoyed your turtle movie, left a comment.

  2. What if you suspended a large, flat brush for him to walk under when he gets an itch? Who wouldn't like that??

  3. Haha, cute! I like your bemused dog. I'm in the same boat as you with the Mac thing - mine is crawling so sluggishly it's slower than your turtle. Can't afford a new one so planning on more RAM and hope that does the trick. Good luck!

  4. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with the themes of late but this one was so crazy I had to give it a go too. Love your work as always Mit, funny Turtle too!!

  5. I think the dog is thinking...Hey? If you want to be onomatopoeic...you have to add and R and a K to properly BAAAARK at the moon...doh!

  6. You got great color and shadows on this one Mit... I really like how the doghouse casts an "arrow" kind of shadow on the lawn... The dog's look is fantastic... I think this was a really interesting word to draw for(I didn't... again, time issues) so I was waiting to see what you came up with... in all my brainstorming, I really didn't think of animals sounds, but I'm glad you did... This is a really cool take and you made great characters to go with it. Nice job Mit

  7. Hi Mit :) I am learning illustration techniques, I like drawing and creating but I am not sure what is my preferred medium as yet. How do you create your work? Is it all drawn and coloured by hand and then scanned, or do you draw and then trace it digitally and colour it on your computer? Loving your cartoon style, it is happy and bouncy, also well done on the book 'Casey's Quilt', really wonderful illustrations :) Have a lovely weekend, Nix

  8. Hi Nix! Thanks for stopping by & your post! The drawing is done in ink on regular copy paper, and then scanned into the computer, where I drop in the color. I find this method quick for the weekly challenges. The book, however, was done in ink & watercolor, & scanned after the art was complete.

  9. The IF theme today is more up my alley. Underwater. I get it. Yay!

  10. Love this image!!

  11. Haha cute! I don't know why I like illustrations of sheep so much. Sheep are just funny I guess! I may have to draw one. Perhaps a zombie sheep for Halloween. :) So sorry about your computer, ugh!
